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If you’re hesitating about the benefits of networking meetings, then let me tell you about my experience.

I’d done practically no networking for my new business when I crossed paths with Emma Whalley (Facebook Group Mentor), on LinkedIn.

She told me about Gossip Gals Networking, and I decided to try a networking meeting.

Up until then, I’d done virtually no networking, online or elsewhere.

I was pretty green.

I was just starting my new journey as a copywriter, after having to pivot career-wise following Lockdown 1.0

I immediately felt at home with the format of the meetings.

Though nervous at the thought of having to talk for 5 whole mins (eek! Talking to an audience is not my strong point!) about myself and what I do, the welcoming, friendly atmosphere put me right at ease.

That’s the great thing about Gossip Gals meetings, there are no Queen Bees, you feel part of a sisterhood!

Everyone is there to be informed and inspired by one another and make each other comfortable.

The first meeting I felt nervous trying something new, but not like the ‘new kid’, there was nothing ‘clique-y’ about the meeting.

As I started attending more meetings I began to make friends and recognise more people, and it grew organically, where I’d make friends with other Gossip Gals on social media.

As a result of attending meetings, I began to get more ladies asking me to do copywriting or blogs for their businesses.

I can honestly say that the format of Gossip Gals’ meetings allows for an organic process of introduction.

You get to know people, make friends, and gradually you find you’ve actually got a client base as well as a support network!

I’ve learned lots of things attending Gossip Gals meetings as well, about social media, and about all the different and exciting things women in small business do to help each other.

It’s a community like no other.

Most importantly, I’ve gained A LOT of personal confidence from being in the meetings and making connections, I’ve learned how to talk to and listen to people.

It’s boosted my profile, and given me confidence in myself and what I do!

Try it out for yourself, you won’t regret it!

Victoria Chadwick is a copywriter and content editor, who enjoys writing copy for women entrepreneurs and business mentors. If you'd like to know more about Victoria click here:

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Updated: Jun 13, 2022

Lean in close; I have a little confession to make! When I first started going live on social media, I was nervous. My palms would feel all clammy and I noticed I was saying “umm” a lot. I was really keen to overcome this hurdle though, because I could see that lives were such a fantastic way to build relationships with my audience and ultimately build my business! By mapping out what I want to cover and doing them regularly, I've found that I’ve got a handle on my nerves and my performance.

What is a live?

If you’re not 100% sure what I’m talking about, I mean live videos streamed on most social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Clubhouse. Your audience is there with you, watching in real-time, and they can engage with you by commenting or asking questions. Lives also stay on your feed, so people can catch up with them later if they want to.

If you had the stamina to, you could do an 8-hour live! Can you imagine?! Don’t worry, I’m not recommending you do one that long! In the modern world, where our attention spans seem to be getting shorter and shorter, you want to aim for at least three minutes. Too much longer than that, and people are likely to lose interest!

In the world of social media, lives are as close to real life as it gets, and are such a powerful way to speak to new customers who might not know a lot about you and your business.

I appreciate that talking to the camera isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, so I thought it would help to give you three pointers to increase your confidence.

1. Mindset is key

You may have tried a live and then nothing seemed to happen. No new sales, no increase in engagement… nada! Don’t be disheartened though – reframe your thinking. Instead of thinking of lives as a way to sell, sell, sell, think of them as a tool for building your relationships, letting your audience see the real you, answering questions or objections, educating, informing or even just entertaining people!

2. Quiet your inner voice

Your confidence may be low because you’re worried about what people will think of you, that you’ll look like you don’t know what you’re doing, or you’re afraid you’ll mess up. I completely understand these fears, but nobody wants to see you do badly. People are rooting for you and they just want to get to know you and your products/services better. Try not to listen to that critical, inner voice. It can be a real nightmare sometimes! Instead, focus on being approachable and authentic. In a nutshell, just be you!

3. Practice, practice, practice

As with anything, lives get easier and more enjoyable the more you practice. I know people who were dreading doing their first one, and ended up absolutely loving the experience and couldn’t wait to do more. If you don’t have that experience though, don’t worry. Just keep doing your personal best!

With anything outside of our comfort zones, the idea of doing it is usually a lot worse than actually biting the bullet and just having a go. I have every faith that you will do a great job. Go get ‘em, tiger!

Emma x

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Are you thinking of doing your first social media live, or have you already done a couple but have finished them feeling a bit flat and disappointed?

Speaking to your audience directly in this way is a fantastic opportunity to have an authentic conversation, and get questions and feedback in real-time. As your audience scrolls through their congested social media feeds, it’s also an eye-catching and modern way to capture attention.

I’d love to boost your confidence and help you get the most out of your live posts. So, here are my seven top tips for creating a professional and engaging experience:

1. Lighting

If you want to look fresh-faced and generally more youthful, then natural light will be your best friend! If possible, sit opposite a large window to let as much of it shine on to you as possible. Having lots of natural light pouring into your video space also makes everything look bright, inviting and like you generally know what you’re doing. Looking like you’re sitting in a dingy cupboard is not a good look for anyone! If you’re doing a live in the evening, play around with your lighting to make sure it’s working for you. Watch out for any unsightly shadows or dark spots.

2. Background

Think about what’s going to be in your shot. Tidy up or at least scoop up all of your clutter and hide it off-screen! Maybe you want to select a few key ‘props’ such as a bunch of flowers, a few books or materials that you would like to promote. Subliminal messaging can be enormously powerful! Be careful not to make it look too staged though; people can spot that a mile off.

Remember that going live on social media is a fantastic opportunity for your audience to see the ‘real you’ and get more of an insight into your brand. So, make sure you’re sending the right message with your surroundings.

3. Camera Angle

Have you ever played around with your camera angle whilst taking a selfie? Elevating your camera slightly so that it’s pointing down is definitely the most flattering angle. Having the camera angled up at your face will create dark shadows and create the dreaded double chin!

4. Make Notes

You want your live video to come across as conversational and relaxed, but you don’t want to forget any important details or your call-to-action. Jot down a couple of bullet points and make sure these are easy to glance at whilst you’re talking.

5. Dos and Don’ts

Just because it’s live doesn’t mean it has to be thrown together! Creating a road map of where you want to start and where you want to end up will help you to get the most out of your live experience. A rambling, messy video isn’t anyone’s cup of tea!

Don’t wait for people to join. Remember that those watching on replay will want to hear you get to your key message as soon as possible. Saying hello to people joining adds a friendly, personal touch, and replying to comments and questions is key to creating a dynamic, conversational video.

Be authentic. If something goes wrong, have a good old laugh about it. If you feel yourself getting emotional, run with it. This is a great way to create some intimacy with your audience and help them to get to know the ‘real you’.

6. Don’t forget your call-to-action

You’ve decided to go live for a reason, and that’s because you want something from your audience. You could mention your call-to-action a couple of times so that it’s really clear what you hope to achieve, once at the beginning and then again at the end as a reminder.

7. Aim for at least three minutes

Facebook’s algorithms prioritise longer videos (over three minutes), so don’t be afraid to chat, interact and take your sweet old time! Three minutes may seem like a long time, but you’ll be amazed by how quickly the time goes. Don’t stay on and waffle just for the sake of it though. Once you’ve delivered your prepared road map, finish off with a nice, friendly ending and your all-important call-to-action!

I really hope that you’ve found this blog useful. As well as Lives being great for engagement, I have also created some engaging social media posts. Take a look here.

Emma Whalley x

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